Would you like to know what lies behind your financial figures?

Financial analysis and consultation for entities which do not require a full-time CFO.

Most small and medium-sized enterprises expect the accountant to provide financial advice to the owner…

Based on the company's historical information, financial analysis can provide an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the entity’s financial health, giving also directions for further business decisions.

Are you looking for a CFO?

I am offering your entity a one-time or recurring financial management, reporting or analysis service. If you as a manager or owner of a company are looking for support with financial analysis of potential projects or would like to improve accounting or financial processes, I can provide you help based on my several years of experience as a financial manager. Contact me if you are looking for one-time service or are considering CFO-as-a-service for your entity!

Project based financial analysis

It all begins with raising a questions or a problem - such as How to improve my porfitability? or Does my potential idea/project pay off financially?

The most common methods of financial analysis are horizontal and vertical analysis and financial ratio analysis. The main sources of information are the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement.

I can help you with:

  • Daily/weekly/monthly financial reporting and analysis

  • Analysis of your accounting processes and provide guidance on how to improve them

  • Setting up or harmonising budgeting and accounting practices

  • Cost-benefit analysis and recommendations of new investments

  • Consultation on transition from RTJ to IFRS

  • Company valuation

  • Other questions regarding accounting or finance

Let me know of your needs and I am sure we can find a solution.

As each project is specific in terms of volume and complexity, let me know of your entity's needs and I will make a proposal specificly designed for you.

Contact me already today!