Run your company based on data-driven decisions, not based on gut feeling!

Main stages of data analysis

  • 1. Asking the right questions

    Often, companies collect data that they do not know how to use later or are not of significant value for later decision-making. When asking a field manager what information they would like to see, the answer is usually "as much as possible". At the same time, in the abundance of data, important information may go unnoticed.

    My job is to understand through conversations what data is of real value to people working in the field.

  • 2. Defining the problem

    What do you want to improve? Be it better monitoring of the sales team's results and the remuneration system based on it, measuring the profitability of service marketing, evaluating the value of the customer's lifetime, increasing the efficiency of customer service.

    The necessary data must be mapped to the defined problem.

  • 3. Data management

    Does the company already have the necessary data? How are they collected and can they be easily accessed? Is it possible to use the data for automatic reporting? What can you do to reduce manual work in the meter process?

    I help the company map existing systems and offer solutions to improve the efficiency of systems and processes.

  • 4. Visualization

    Having data alone is not enough to make wise decisions. Visualizing them helps most of us understand what's behind the numbers.

    Based on my experience, I advise the company to find the best solution for them. I will give suggestions on how and what and to which audience it would be most sensible to present.

  • 5. Creating a culture

    In order for the company to benefit from this project, a so-called data-friendly way of thinking should be introduced across the company. Be it the desire of the management to base their decisions on analysis, to create friendly competition with the help of indicators or to link the whole team to the financial success of the company. Applying the latter creates a ground where each individual thinks about how his or her actions and decisions affect the overall success of the company in numbers.

I offer you project management to set up or improve your business analysis processes!

In my previous experience as the head of the business analysis department, I have gone through a path where a company that collected an insane amount of data at one point wanted to use it to make business decisions. Until that, decision making was heavily based on gut feelings of other heads of departments.

My task in this process was to run the whole project - to communicate with the IT department about setting up the best data warehouse, to map the necessary data, to select visualization tools and to create dashboards. In addition, training department analysts, writing analyzes and integrating their implementation into the company's culture.

The mere existence of data and analysis is not enough if it is not used in decision-making, it is a matter of corporate culture that generally starts from the top down.

In my Master's thesis, I researched the main criteria for the effective implementation of data-driven decision-making, so my approach to managing such projects is based on the research found.



As each project is different, it is required to understand what are your needs and what could be the potential scope of the work.

Contact for more information!