Business coaching & Financial guidance


Business coaching for CFOs, accountants and other employees from business or finance fields, who would like to reach to the next development stage in their personal or work life.

Financial guidance for those who would like to improve their personal finances and would like to learn about the basics of investing.

Business coaching

You don't always have to be a business leader to feel the positive effects of coaching. Each one of use should every once in a while say out loud what are our wishes and thoughts in terms of becoming a better professional. Developing from a specialist to the head of departments, I could not have done it without a good partner who helped me to understand my behaviours in certain situations and guided me through to becoming a better leader for my teams. Constant improvement and analysis of our patterns is necessary in order to be more efficient at what we do, and become a better leader for others.

If you feel that your job today does not give you the satisfaction that it used to or you feel that you would like to improve at what you do, but just do not know how, or you would like to become a better manager for your team, then coaching is exactly what you need! Through guided questions and structured process I will help to find the answers to your questions or concerns within yourself to free up from patterns that restrict us from getting to the next level.

Financial guidance

Financial guidance is intended as a 1:1 session for those who would like to improve their personal finances in order to fulfil their dreams.

Since I was a 14-year-old kid, I was interested in the financial markets and investing. I believe that with my experience and passion for financial literacy I can guide you to your financial targets - e.g. getting free from debt, setting aside free cash, understanding the finances of your small entity or guiding you towards the world on investing.

It all starts from investing in yourself!

How do I offer this service?

The best way to get to your next level of development is to take a sequence of 45-minute 1-on-1 session per week/or every 2 weeks during a time period of 3-6 months. The sessions are conducted in the form desired by the client, be it a telephone conversation, a video call or a face-to-face meeting.

Before starting the sessions, please fill out a short questionnaire so I could get to know you better and understand what you expect from these sessions.

When sharing your stories, you can feel free and be sure that everything you share is firmly protected and does not move out of the secure environment that the two of us establish.

Contact me already today!

It all starts with the first step. Let me know if you want business or financial coaching and let’s get to know each other!

If you have any questions, please submit them via the form provided.

I hope I will hear from you soon!



Phone: +372 5255534